🇧🇷 Brazil Incursion In Finswimming, thanks to Leblonfins, FEDECAS and Sportsub & Sportalsub
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Brazil Incursion In Finswimming, Thanks To Leblonfins, FEDECAS and Sportsub & Sportalsub
After his successful participation in the Course of Monitors and Trainers of Finswimming Level 1 Sportsub Online – III Edition. July-August 2017, coach and sports promoter JSC Mauricio and creator of the Leblonfins brand continues the work of boosting Finswimming in Brazil.
Thanks to the contact and efforts made between Miguel Cedeño, Director of Sportsub & Sportalsub.net and William Peña, President of FEDECAS Colombia and CMAS Zone America, Brazil will be present for the first time in a National Finswiming Championship in Colombia in the month of October, as it publishes Leblonfins in its website LeblonFins team competing in the Colombia National Finswimming Championship
This participation of Brazil in the FinSwimming Championships in Colombia is part of a series of activities that seek to promote and develop swimming with fins in the South American giant, which would be of great benefit and growth for this underwater sport.
Coming soon more information.
Presentation of JSC Mauricio on the Sportsub Course
I am a certified sports technician, swimming with fins and bodysurfer. I want to enable myself and help my teammates to get better results in swimming with fins as in bodysurfing that is swimming with fins in waves. Perhaps everyone’s interest or interest in participating in the possibility of performing a swim exchange with fins here in Rio de Janeiro in order to publicize the sport.
I am also the creator of the most revolutionary flap of today for human displacement in water and strength training for legs and core as well as for training the stream. It is called LeblonFins and the development was carried out for three years in Berlin in Germany and to follow for a year the biggest names of the sport Bodysurf conducted countless tests in the majors and more famous waves of South America, Australia, Europe and the USA.
All the athletes who tested, did so by looking for tools that would give them more propulsion helping them to face the most dangerous waves of the planet.
At the moment we are developing the first equipment of purpose of Brazil with the support of the club Botafogo.F.C.
I invite everyone to visit our profile on the Instagram
Published by:
Miguel Alberto Cedeño Ortiz (Venezuela)
Director Sportsub & Sportalsub.net
Facebook miguelsportsub
Twitter miguelsportsub
Last Updated on January 14, 2020