🏊‍♂️ How Swimming and Finswimming Can Relieve Stress

This post was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp.

Did you know that swimming and underwater sports can improve your health! With swimming and finswimming, you can learn how to combat stress and enhance your symptom managing skills. Not only is swimming an excellent asset to your physical health, but it can boost your mental health as well!

How Can Stress Affect Your Mental Health?

When someone lives with stress every day, they may begin to see both physical and mental health concerns. Typically, stress can cause sleep problems, forgetfulness, muscle pains, low self-esteem, lack of concentration, and more. In more intense situations, stress can also cause someone to abuse harmful substances, become depressed, and develop other concerning mental health disorders. To avoid the physical and mental health complications of stress, there is something you can do. Swim! Learn how swimming relieves stress and can improve your overall health! 

How Can Swimming and Finswimming Relieve Stress?

It’s a Great Workout

When dealing with stress, one of the most suggested remedies is exercising! There are many benefits to working out; relieving stress is just one of the many. For example, working out can improve your overall physical health. When you swim, you are getting your heart rate up and your blood pumping. A good workout releases endorphins (happy chemicals) in the brain and reduces cortisol (the stress hormone). By working out, you can relieve stress, boost your mood, and improve your overall physical health!

It Teaches Valuable Breathing Techniques

If you like to swim, you probably understand the importance of breathing properly. Those who do not practice proper breathing techniques may find themselves struggling to catch their breath. The more you swim, the more you practice holding your breath and breathing through your nose. This can be extremely valuable for those who are experiencing stress. When you feel stressed, you may notice your breathing becomes labored. With swimming, you can practice inhaling and exhaling evenly to relax. Good breathing techniques can assist you in and out of the pool.

It Improves Brain Function

As previously identified, swimming and working out get your blood pumping. This plays a direct role in your brain cells and oxygen levels. When you participate in regular swimming, you may be able to think clearer and quicker. Scientists have also found that regular swimming and aerobic exercises can repair damaged neurons and neuron connections. By taking a couple of laps every day, you can boost your cognitive function and stave off stress. So not only can swimming aid in stress relief, but it can reverse some neurological damage! 

You Get a Better Night’s Rest

Getting a good night’s rest is key to relieving stress. A lack of sleep can cause anxiety, stress, decreased physical health, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, etc. If you feel stressed, getting good quality sleep can be the first step in overcoming it. You can improve your sleeping habits by swimming! When you swim, you are exercising your body. Exercise increases the amount of sleep you get and the quality of sleep you get. By swimming during the day, you will be more likely to fall asleep a night. The better sleep you get, the less stressed you’ll be!

Last Updated on April 25, 2022