🌍 Underwater Activities for People With Special Needs. SND – CMAS

(Sportalsub.net / SND CMAS) – Leer en Español

The international working group SND (Special Needs Diving) of the World Underwater Federation (CMAS) prepared a written document aimed at people with functional diversity and support needs in diving. This working group is led and supervised by Flemming Holm, Chairman of the CMAS Technical Committee. The SND Work Group is led by Kelly Mcginn, Francisco Sanjoaquín, Enrique Díaz and Luis Javier Arranz. This group has collaborators in countries belonging to Europe, Asia, Oceania, Africa and South America. The SND Work Group is made up of CMAS specialist instructors from different countries and pioneers in the development of SND programs and techniques.

The digital publication is found on the CMAS WEB and is free to download. There is the possibility of downloading it in two versions: English and Spanish.

In this work, underwater exercises for people with support needs, work materials, documents and templates for participants, adaptations, session model, organization and security, communication systems (SAACs) etc. are explained and illustrated.



This text has been included by SGAC (Space Generation Council) in one of its research projects for the training and selection of astronauts.

On the other hand, the SND group of CMAS continues to work on the preparation of documents: international standards and training of SND instructors, manuals and specific guides, as well as holding international conferences and advice to the different national federations belonging to CMAS.

Luis Javier Arranz pascual luisja39@gmail.com

Last Updated on April 29, 2023